Summer School: The Digital Firm and Services

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Summer School: The Digital Firm and Services

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    The Digital Firm and Services.
    Course Type: Summer School
    Career Path: Business
    Course Category: Summer School
    Digitalisation has transformed the needs and behaviours of both organisations and their customers. Since Generation Z has grown up surrounded by computers and smartphones, fully immersed in the Internet, the need to understand digitalisation and its challenges is continuously increasing. 
    Course Requirements
    Bachelor students and graduates, minimum 18 years old
    English proficiency:
    - TOEFL –77 (minimum of 22 in each band),  computer-based: 240, paper-based: 587
    - IELTS – 6.5 (minimum of 6.0 in all areas)
    - Cambridge Proficiency Exam (CPE): B2, C1 C2 level
    - Pearson Test of English (PTE) – minimum of 63 
    - Complete application form
    Signed terms and conditions:
    - Passport photo
    - Scanned passport copy
    - Copy of most recent degree/diploma certificate
    Course Duration: 2 weeks
    Online: No
    Campus Based: Yes
    Location: Hannover
    Here at Arden University we believe everyone, everywhere should be able to study. Whether you are constrained by location, cost, life commitments or just by time, we are passionate about giving you access to higher education that fits with your hectic, modern life.
    We offer access to degrees, masters and MBA programmes in both online distance learning and flexible on-campus study modes. Our students range from 18 to 80 years old and we support them on-campus (at our UK Study Centres) and online. We are proud to offer non-standard entry which means your work experience and previous qualifications are taken into account.

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