Informationen über B.A. International Business Administration - Focus on Finance - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf - Berlin
"International Business Administration - Focus on Finance" is a Bachelor programme which offers a complete business education that enables you to understand how the economy and large and small commercial and public organisations work, with a particular emphasis on the global environment. You get theoretical and practical knowledge in the core business areas, such as marketing, human resource management, law and particularly finance and accounting. The course provides an understanding of how these business areas relate to each other. Your personal profile is enhanced as you participate in business projects and an internship, as well as your study, organisational and communication skills. You will gain a comprehensive introduction to management; learn key business principles and how to apply them in practice, either for another company or your own start-up.
Ähnliche angebote die in bezug zu ihrer anfrage "betriebswirtschaft, betriebswirt-in" stehen
Bildungszentren: die Sprachwerkstatt - Privates Institut für Kommunikation, Wirtschaft und Sprache GmbH
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