Course: Project Management Certification Training

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Informationen über Course: Project Management Certification Training - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf - Berlin

  • Inhalt
    Course: Project Management Certification Training .


    Organisations and companies compete in increasingly competitive and international markets. Within these, project management is a way to stand out.

    Despite the changing economic environment, companies invest in acquiring personnel trained in this regard and adopt more professional practices to develop projects. To acknowledge this, the ESCP Europe PMP® course trains students in the methodology, techniques and tools of project management.

    This five-day summer course places special emphasis on managerial skills, specifically the economic and financial management of projects in the field of business, risk management, contracts/procurement and preparation for the PMP® exam. Participants will have ongoing support once from ESCP Europe once they have completed the PMP® course.


    1,200€ per person

    Blended: 850€


    This course can be taught in either English or Spanish, depending upon the requirements of the edition.


    PMI required Diploma

    The School's 45,000-strong alumni network counts members from 200 nationalities. Together with its long-standing relationships with national and multinational companies, this network allows ESCP Europe to provide unique career opportunities on an international scale.

    The aspiration of ESCP Europe is the credo of Europe: to remain faithful to its humanistic values while at the same time anticipating the new ways of the world.

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